Safety Rail install

Safety rails on a roof serve as vital protective measures, ensuring the safety of workers or individuals who need to access the roof for various purposes. These rails are installed along the roof’s edges, providing a secure barrier that prevents accidental falls and potential injuries. By creating a designated walkway or work area, safety rails help guide personnel during maintenance, repairs, or installations, reducing the risk of slips or trips. They also act as a visual reminder of potential hazards and serve as a psychological reassurance, increasing confidence and focus while working at heights. Safety rails on roofs play a crucial role in promoting a safe working environment, complying with regulations, and mitigating the inherent dangers associated with rooftop activities, ultimately safeguarding lives and minimizing accidents.

The Types of Safety Rail We Offer

Single and double story

Single storey safety rails are protective barriers installed on the edges of rooftops in buildings with one level or floor, providing a secure barrier to prevent falls and accidents. Double storey safety rails serve the same purpose but are designed for taller buildings with two levels or floors, offering protection at higher rooflines. Both types of safety rails are essential for ensuring the safety of workers and individuals accessing the roof area in their respective building structures.

Internal tile roof rail

An internal tile roof rail is a safety feature installed inside the roof structure of a building with tiled roofing. It is designed to provide a secure and stable walkway or work area for maintenance personnel or individuals needing to access different parts of the roof’s interior. This rail system is discreetly positioned within the roof space, allowing for safe movement and reducing the risk of accidental slips or falls while working on the tiles or other components. The internal tile roof rail ensures a safer and more efficient environment for tasks such as inspections, repairs, or installations, enhancing overall rooftop safety and accessibility within the building.

Parapet walls

Parapet walls are low protective barriers or extensions that project above the roofline of a building. These walls are typically constructed along the edges of flat or slightly sloped roofs, providing a barrier between the roof and the surrounding environment. Parapet walls serve various purposes, including preventing water runoff from the roof, offering added structural support, and acting as a safety feature to prevent accidental falls. They also provide a visually appealing and decorative element to the building’s exterior, enhancing its architectural aesthetics while serving functional roles in roof protection and safety.

First floor wall rail

A first floor roof rail is a safety feature installed on the first-floor level of a building, typically on a balcony or terrace with an elevated roof structure. This rail system acts as a protective barrier along the edges of the roof, ensuring the safety of occupants and visitors who access the first-floor roof area. It prevents accidental falls, providing a secure boundary and allowing people to enjoy the outdoor space without compromising their safety. The first-floor roof rail is a crucial safety component, offering peace of mind and protection while enjoying the elevated views and outdoor amenities of the building’s upper level.

Domestic and commercial

Domestic and commercial roof rails differ in their scale, purpose, and application. Domestic roof rails are typically designed for residential properties and serve to provide safety and protection for homeowners and their families accessing the roof area. They are often simpler in design and focus on blending with the aesthetics of the house. On the other hand, commercial roof rails are engineered for larger-scale buildings and industrial settings, emphasizing functionality and meeting more stringent safety regulations. Commercial roof rails are designed to accommodate heavy-duty usage, such as maintenance tasks and equipment access, and may be customized to suit specific industry requirements. While both types of roof rails prioritize safety, domestic rails tend to cater to individual homeowners, while commercial rails address the needs of businesses and large facilities.